Michigan Grad School

I have elected to stay at Michigan for my PhD.

What a whirlwind of a week it has been. The semester is winding down, which means projects are due, papers are due, … and grad school decision day.

I’ve spent the past couple months visiting a bunch of different schools, talking with professors, grad students, friends, and parents. In the end, no school really stood out as a solid choice over another. I spent the last 2 days calling or talking with about 15 different people from all over, and my decision converged to the fact that there is no right choice, only different choices. A lot of the people who were trying to convince me to come to their school said this.

I still couldn’t decide by Thursday night. Someone had told me that at the end of the day, I just have to make a gut decision and pick one. When I woke up Friday morning, my gut was telling me to stay at Michigan. It’s very unfortunate I had to turn down so many great people at other schools, especially since I’ll be seeing them regularly at conferences and events. But, I am at least proud to say that I will be staying at Michigan for my PhD for the next 4-6 years.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way, and best of luck to all my fellow seniors graduating and moving on to grad schools and jobs.

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Last site update: 2025-02-16