Accepted for ASPLOS Shadow PC

I will be participating in the ASPLOS 2018 Shadow Program Committee.

I am excited to be participating in the ASPLOS 2018 Shadow Program Committee (PC). The Shadow PC serves as an experience for aspiring academics to review and debate submitted ASPLOS papers, much like the real Program Committee.

What is a Program Committee?

The conference Program Committee serves as the arbiter for which papers are accepted for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings. Program Committees are often composed of experts from both academia and industry (think professors and senior researchers in industry). Serving on a committee means reading and reviewing submissions for rigor, novelty, and contribution, then debating the merits of the submission with other committee members.

What is a Shadow Program Committee?

A Shadow Program Committee is a committee composed of aspiring academics. The goal is to familiarize and educate these academics with the procedures of the committee as preparation to serve on the real committee. The Shadow PC “shadows” the real PC by reviewing the same papers (with the submitter’s permission), issuing scores, and ultimately accepting or rejecting each paper. The results of the shadow PC do impact the real PC in any way. Unfortunately, the shadow PC feedback also does not get relayed to the submission authors, but this is done to uphold confidentiality.

See more details about the ASPLOS 2018 Shadow PC here.

The shadow PC is scheduled to be held a day after the real PC (November 11th) in Atlanta, GA. If you’re attending, I’ll see you there!

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