IEEE Micro Top Picks

Sirius has been selected for MICRO Top Picks 2016!

Our 2015 ASPLOS paper entitled, Sirius: An Open End-to-End Voice and Vision Personal Assistant and Its Implications for Future Warehouse Scale Computers, was accepted to the IEEE Micro: Top Picks issue for 2016.

What is Top Picks?

The Top Picks issue of IEEE Micro is a special honor. Authors who have work accepted to one of the top computer architecture conferences (e.g. ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS) may submit a short-form article explaining the importance and impact of their work for a more general audience. A committee selects the 10-12 most influential papers among them for a special issue.

Find Out More

The article will be entitled Sirius Implications for Future Warehouse-Scale Computers and will be available in IEEE Micro Volume 36, Issue 3 (Top Picks). The camera-ready paper will be posted in Publications when available.

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